Sunday, May 15, 2011

No (good) excuses...

...for my long absence, but I can offer some fairly lame ones; I was in an Odd Ducks Doctor Who swap that took up a lot of my time and I switched jobs!  That's right friends, I've left the misery of the corporate world behind and have embarked on a new and exciting career path with a small local remodeling company.  Wish me luck!

Also, as you may or may not know, Maryland Sheep and Wool was last weekend!  I went down with my husband and a friend and we had a great time!  Giant crab cakes at G&M on Friday night followed by two full days of retail therapy.  It was particularly blissful this year as the weather was really, really amenable.  Here are a few pics of my haul:

 And now, after a long absence from spinning, I realize just how much it's become a part of me.  It may seem silly but if you ask me who I am I'll probably tell you first and foremost I'm a spinner.  It is just how I identify these days.  I didn't realize just how important it has become to me until I took almost six weeks off to make a really great swap package and get my shit together at my new job.  I spent this afternoon spinning with my dear friend Krystn and had an excellent time.  I have relearned my passion for this crazy art and am really and able to throw myself back into my challenge with vigor.  Skein #11 should be up soon!